Friday, July 1, 2011

Turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes

Wow! It has been a while since my last post, huh? I don't have a functional laptop in Mobile, so I just make do. However, I came home for the 4th of July weekend where we have a nice shiny computer to do my blogging bidding.

All that being said, I suppose I will just jump in and tell you all that has transpired in the past month or so. It's been crazy.
Although I didn't mention it in my last post, I have been working at a coffee shop called Moka's for almost six weeks now. I can not begin to tell you how grateful I am for my job! I have a very cool, laid back boss and I have been getting a lot of great hours every week. Best of all, I don't even dread going to work everyday! That is a blessing if I ever heard one.

In the past six weeks, I have also moved three times, slept on a friend's couch, and lived out of a car. When school got out around the middle of May, I had originally planned on coming home for a month and then moving back to Mobile around mid-June. However, four days before I was going to move home, I got a phone call from Moka's offering me a job. Seeing how I am a poor college kid, I couldn't refuse, which left me no choice but to re-adjust-- something the past few months have taught me to be a pro at. Seriously kids, don't take anything too serious, before long the curve in the road will take you places you can't even imagine; both good and bad sometimes. That taught me to let the Lord keep the map, He is way better at it ya'll.

This brings us to the part of the show I like to call "The most miserable month of my life" even if the moniker is altogether overly dramatic. I moved into the Cottages on UM's campus, which was somewhat a blessing. I worked 5 minutes from campus and I at least had a roof over my head. However, I moved in when I was still training at work, so I had very few hours then and no gas money to go "exploring". I was stuck, and for those of you who have been there, you know it's one of the worst feelings imaginable. I can't begin to explain how crazy one gets staring at cinder block walls and flipping through cable channels all day. I felt utterly useless and unproductive. Add to that a diet primarily consisting of ramen noodles and.....ramen noodles, it was terrible. I say all that not to complain (although I did a fantastic job, if I do say so myself), but to say the Lord brings us to hard things to show us the greater things and make us appreciate them more. I mean, He has other ways and reasons, but class, that's what I learned at least. Since I knew I would only be there for a few weeks, I decided not to unpack all my junk from my car (where I had packed my belongings when I moved from the dorm), yes, I kept 75-80% of my belongings in THAT car. Please take a minute to laugh, because that is funny! I especially enjoyed the looks people gave me when they thought I was a hobo living out of my car. Priceless I assure you.

This is where the story gets fun! My friends and I had been planning for months on getting an apartment, and finally, after calling many a leasing office, researching, touring, budgeting, contemplating, praying, negotiating and being scared to death, we had a place picked out and a move-in date of June 15. I should mention that date loomed over me like the plague during my time at the cottage, it taunted me every long day I spent cooped up in there, and it sucked big time. I moved out of the cottage on June 13, I was close to the finish line, but homeless nonetheless. Thankfully, I have two sweet friends who let me stay at their apartment for a couple of days. Stephanie and Angela were quite simply, a blessing.

Finally, the day had arrived to move in my apartment. I was so excited, the feeling was better than Christmas morning! I got up really early to head over to the leasing office. I had so much fun signing paperwork and getting our keys. For the first time in a month, I had somewhere (in Mobile at least) to call home. A life of living transiently takes an emotional toll on you like you can't believe. I had an emotional breakdown my first night in the cottage and I stayed consistently unhappy during that time. I don't blame the cottages themselves, because as I mentioned before I had a lot of poor feelings, I suppose it all just came together to create a perfect storm of emotional instability. I'm so thankful for my parents and a few of my friends for keeping me going and dealing with my emotional crazy during that time.

My apartment is great! I have my very own kitchen now! Which I think I am more excited about than even having my own room!  I don't have any pictures yet, but I will try to post those sometime or another. Another funny story, Jordan's family was sending furniture for our apartment and it was supposed to be arriving the day we moved in. Well, her parents were having a hard time getting off work on that day in order to bring it down (she is from Missouri! Quite the road trip...) so for about a week and a half I had no furniture in my apartment. I sat, ate, slept read, etc on the floor. More than anything, I just found it hilarious, one of those those speeches you plan to give your kids one day, and believe me, I will. Thankfully though, as of last Saturday our apartment is fully furnished :D Blessing after blessing.

Last but not least, I am transferring to the University of South Alabama in the fall. I loved UM but Mommy and Daddy's checkbook did not and they just kept on jacking tuition up. Not ok. So, I am officially registered for fall semester majoring in Communications with a concentration in Print Journalism. Which sounds super official and legit right? Ehh I tried at least. Nevertheless, I am excited about everything to come. My life has changed in almost every single facet but now I have nothing but good things to look forward to :)

I think that basically brings us up to now. On June 19th, I got to see Heart and Def Leppard in concert. I do believe it is my favorite concert I have ever been to. Def Leppard is the most incredible band I've heard live. I am so thankful, now that I have settled down for the past couple of weeks I am happier than I've been in a very long time. Now, I am looking forward to fireworks and hot dogs, the Harry Potter midnight premiere, seeing Styx and Yes in concert and starting school.

Thank you for sticking with me during this superfluous although necessary post. Here is your reward: